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Daly Wins First Place Award

Mark Daly’s painting “The Schooner Stephen Taber” (oil, 24” x 18”) received the 1st Place Overall award in the July PleinAir Salon international art competition.

Judge Michelle Dunaway provided thoughtful and insightful commentary on the painting:

“I was struck instantly by the luminosity emanating from this painting. It captures a sense of realism and light that goes far beyond anything a camera could record. The artist’s sensitivity to color and color temperature in the sails coupled with the simplification of water highlighting only essential functional movement compliments the dynamic composition.

This painting exudes an old master quality, and I can see it hanging in a museum next to Winslow Homer and Tuner and holding its own. The touch of red off-center hits right where the smaller square and spiral of the Golden Mean would overlay which adds for a harmonious balance and movement to the painting.

The technique and brushwork is subtle where it needs to be and powerful and bold in necessary areas.

When a painting is executed so well that it makes me interested in a subject that I am not normally drawn to, it is a testament to the artist’s impressive skill.”